If you love to grill as much as I do then this kitchen hack is for you! You may have seen this idea shared on a cooking show recently but I’m claiming it as my own and have been doing it for years – how to turn an ordinary metal pan into a grill basket. I always have a supply of different sized metal pans in my pantry that I’ve picked up at the Dollar Store and they are usually packaged 2 for $1.00.
To make your grill basket, here’s what you’ll need –
- a metal pan
- a towel
- a screw driver or chop stick
To get the pan ready for the grill, fold the towel into several layers. Steady the pan and using the screwdriver or chop stick, poke several holes in the pan being careful not to bend it too much.
Once you’ve finished “stabbing” the pan, it should look something like this. This round pan is perfect for smaller items that might fall through the grates. Make sure that you poke enough holes in the pan to allow the heat and low flames grill the veggies and not just steam them. Use your grill tongs to steady and move the pan over the grates.
TA-DA! Now you are ready to throw your veggies, shrimp or chicken into your new $1.00 grill pan and head outdoors. I’m gonna add a little olive oil, salt & pepper to my favorite squash and do the same!
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